Friday, January 13, 2012

Week brings double-digit increases in gas prices - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
According to the ’s Weekend Gas the average priceof self-serve regulard gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beacjh area is $2.825 per gallon, whichb is 16.2 cents more than last 49 cents higher than last month, and $1.44 less than last On the Central Coast, the average price is $2.877, up 15.5 cents from last week, 44 cents abovse last month, and $1.48 below last year. In the Inlanxd Empire, the average per gallon price is whichis 14.9 centsd more than last week, 48 cents more than last and $1.
47 less than last "Just as in 2008, commodities investors are pushint up crude oil and wholesale gasoline prices at a frenziedr pace that seems to have no connectiobn to domestic fuel consumption or There have been some refinery issues this year acroses the U.S., but no more so than in otherr years," Auto Club spokesperson Jeffrey Spring said in a

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