Monday, February 6, 2012

Comcast sends money and helpers to Locke Elementary - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The covered the $12,000 cost of suppliesw and also matched the physical effort of employees witha $25,000 grant. The grant money will go toward renovatingvthe school’s science lab and buying new learninv technology. The school serves K-8 kids, many of whom are Mayor Michael Nutter dropped by for a visifas well. The high-profile attention on the school flattereed and impressedthe school’s principal, Vernadine “I remember being unable to sleep the nighf before,” she said. “When I arrivee around 6 a.m. that morning, City Year was alreadh in the building.
” The effort at Lockr Elementary was just one of severalk projects undertaken by Comcast employees throughout the citythat day. In Huntingv Park, Comcast volunteers picked up eighyt tonsof trash. They also created a community gardemnin Camden, cultivated the land at Clark Park in West Philadelphi a and beautified the Chester Valley trail. Charisse Lillie, vice president of community investment and executive vice president of theComcas Foundation, said that altogether, 3,000 of the 13,00o0 Comcast employees in Greater Philadelphia contributed a day of service. “Wew try not to just write a check,” Lillie said.
More than 300 employeese renovated theand , both of Philadelphia, on Apri l 24 as part of the food service company’s day of service. Both facilitiezs provide basic needs, affordabled child care and preschool, job training, and after-school programs in support of their communities. The Camdenj Riversharks announced that veterans will receive free admissiohn to Riversharks gamesthis year, as part of a new partnershiop between the Riversharks and the Volunteers of Americas Delaware Valley, a nonprofit faith-based organizationb based in Collingswood, N.J. donated $75,000 to Philabundancr on April 30.
In addition, abougt 30 local employees volunteered part of the day at the food which feeds nearly amillion low-income residents in the The Hearts and Smiles Foundation of Southampton raised more than $11,00o during its third annuall spring thaw golf class on April 27. The fund benefit low-income families with special needds children. The March of Dimes raises morethan $1.5 million during its Marcu for Babies fundraiser on Aprilk 26. Three thousand people participated in the eventr atthe , one of eighrt fundraising locations in the Delawared Valley.
The Lucky Seven Motorcycle Club, a nonprofit grouo of Ambler-based firefighters, raised more than $13,000 for the Center for Autismm onApril 25. The Center is a nonprofit autism treatment and evaluation center in More than 300 motorcyclists burnt pavement from Wissahickon High Schooklto McFadden’s at Citizens Bank Park for the thire annual ride for autism. The fifth annual Mommy’s Lighft 5K run and 1-Miles fun walk on April 25 raisesd morethan $50,000 for the Mommy’s Light Livew On Fund, which helps children with terminally ill or deceased mothers. More than 800 people attended the event.

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