Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon proposes green college campus downtown, looks for stimulus aid - Phoenix Business Journal:

The Phoenix mayor would like to see the sustainabilityg campus located near 7th Avenue and Van Buren Streef just west of thedowntown core. He said and woulde be the centerpieces of thenew campus. Downtownn Phoenix already is home to a growingg ASU campus and a biomedical centerr that features programs from ASU and the Universityof Arizona. Those existing higher educationm assets are locatedin downtown’s core and to it easterbn edges. The city of Phoenix has been lobbyinvg federalagencies — including the U.S. Departments of Energy and Housing and UrbanDevelopment — to help fund the greenn campus via the American Recovery Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The $787 billiojn federal stimulus offers education and researc grants for solar and alternative energyh and in othersustainability niches. Gordon will be in Washington next week talkin to Obama administration including Vice President Joseph Biden aboutgthe stimulus. That will include meetingzs withthe U.S. Department of Labort about the sustainability effort as well as work forcse development fundingvia ARRA. There is a Rio Saladi College adult education center off of 7th Avenue nearFilmorwe Street. Gordon said Rio Saladko owns some other land and there are vacanf parcels that could be used fora sustainability/green campus.
The campuse would be geared toward environmental andsustainablde architecture, engineering and workforce development. Gordon said more specific plansd and details of the west downtown campus are beinvg worked and could be unveiledthis fall. ASU has been uppinh its green and sustainable programs at its Tempe andother campuses. ASU President Michael Crow and the Greaterd Phoenix Economic Council also want to bolste rthe Valley’s solar energy production and make the regiob a center for alternative energy source. That includes Gordon wantingf the city to become the Silicon Valley for solar energy and reduc ethe Valley’s urban heat island by paintint rooftops white.

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