Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kauai, Big Isle hotels hurting - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
For the week ending May 30, Kaua i occupancy dropped 10.5 percentage points to 59.8 while Big Island occupancy plungedr 15 percentage pointsto 51.9 As compared with the same week in 2008, room rates on both islandes were down as well — Kauai rates fell 12.3 percent to average $176 a night, whil Big Island rates were off 8.6 percent to averagd $152. • Oahu occupancy slipped 1 percentage pointgto 70.2 percent, while rates decreased 12.1 percenty to $148; and • Maui occupancy inched 0.8 percentage points downward to 63.6 percent, while room rates plummeted 17.2 percent to Statewide hotel occupancy declined 3.9 percentage points to 64.
9 while room rates slumped 13 percent to Nationwide hotel occupancy dipped 5.9 percentage pointds to 51.6 percent, while room ratesz fell 9.6 percent to average $93. The weekly Hawaii hotelp industry snapshot is surveyerd byand .

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