Thursday, November 1, 2012

Podiatrist gets 5 months, $25,000 fine - Dallas Business Journal:
Dr. Bic Chau Stafford, who practiced at the in Marylanx Heights, as well as assorted assisted living facilitiesin St. Louis City and St. Louis County, in April to one felonyy count of obstruction of afederal Stafford, 59, also executed a civil settlementy agreement with the United State s requiring her to pay the Medicare program $425,000. Stafford bille d Medicare for numerous complex foot surgery procedures provided to 39 local Medicare beneficiarieas when she was really providingg these patients with only routinesfoot care, such as toe nail prosecutors said.
When she was audited by the Medicare programmin 2007, Medicare deniedx her claims for reimbursemengt regarding these 39 beneficiaries and requested that she repay $6,849 for non-covered services that had been previously paid to her. Staffords challenged this and as part of her efforts to avoid payingthe overpayment, Stafford created new treatment records for thosee 39 patients in 2007, back-dating them to 2004, usintg fraudulent treatment information and claiming that she had provided thesd patients with podiatric surgical procedure, prosecutors said.

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