Wednesday, August 15, 2012

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to grant $1.21 million for watersheds - Portland Business Journal:
and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) today announcedd an award of $1.21 million to four Oregon watersherrestoration programs. The National Fish and will granrt funds to fourOregon programs: the Oregonm Water Trust (OWT), Deschutes Basin Land Oregon Watershed Enhancement and Curry County Soil and Watere Conservation District. Each program is expected to contributde matching funds forits program. "Watersheds restoration projects are essential for salmon Wyden said. "This money will fund projectse that will make salmonhabitate better, while trying to protect locakl economies at the same time.
" The organizations will use the fundws to address a wide variety of waterd quality and habitat preservation issues. The OWT for example, will acquire water rights from willing sellers for transferto in-stream use to improve stream flowss and habitat conditions for "These watershed projects are an essential part of our state's salmonn recovery efforts and will ensure that locapl communities have the funds they need to protectr and restore salmon said Smith.
"Each of these projectzs is a locally-driven solution and has the activs support of areawatershed

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